Pickupp Service Point

Self pick-up or drop-off your packages at various convenience stores located islandwide. Check out our self-drop off point addresses and opening hours below.
Self Drop Off Process
Step 1: Create a next day delivery order
Step 2: Print & attach Waybill on parcel
Step 3: Drop parcel off at our Pickupp Service Points
📦 Packaging Guidelines
📦 Packaging Guidelines
Use good quality packing materials
Parcel size should not exceed 80cm
For fragile items, wrap items separately with cushioning materials and display caution label.
Paste waybill securely on parcel & remove irrelevant labels
Always pack tightly & keep surface smooth to prevent damage to parcel Use strong tape to secure parcel (e.g electrical, brown plastic etc.)
Learn More

Bulky Items
Including (but are not limited to) dumbbells, weights, packets of rice over 5kg

Living Things
Living Plants, Animals

Unprotected Glass Items
Including (but not limited to) bottles and containers of any kind

Marketable Securities
Cash, Cheques, Bills, Stocks, etc.

Flammable or Volatile Items
E.g. Fireworks, kerosene, gas canisters or paint thinner

Vegetables, Fruits, etc.

All-In-One Platform
We offer last mile delivery services, warehousing and fulfilment support, to meet all your business needs.

No Minimum Parcels Required
Find a convenient Pickupp Service Point to drop-off your parcels for delivery at the best rate possible.

Personal customer support
Our friendly service point staff will be available to assist you in all your parcel delivery needs, so you know exactly what to do to get your parcel delivered safely!
What are Pickupp Service Points?
What are the accepted parcel sizes at each service point?
What is the difference between Pickupp’s service points and other logistics companies with drop-off points?
What are the list of prohibited items?
Which areas does Pickupp deliver to?
Will my parcel be insured?